Guest Post by Venkatesh R.
Editor's Note: SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy is a key factor in facilitating development and improving quality of life. Constant innovation is vital in the quest to find newer, cleaner and cheaper sources of energy for sustainable development. Venkat highlights some innovations that help facilitate this quest for and access to "affordable and clean energy."
Editor's Note: SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy is a key factor in facilitating development and improving quality of life. Constant innovation is vital in the quest to find newer, cleaner and cheaper sources of energy for sustainable development. Venkat highlights some innovations that help facilitate this quest for and access to "affordable and clean energy."
When It Comes to Saving Energy
Your Kinetic Energy to Electricity while working out - a la the Free Electric bike of Manoj Bargava but on a schievable scale: Instead of having the treadmill connected to a
power source, a device to power it up like you would an electric bike to move the belt which in turn has your kinetic energy producing electricity will be a boon. Your workout could power-up batteries. In gyms and in homes if such a
gadget is introduced then it's a win-win. Gyms will generate power instead of consuming it.
Use Graphite in High Voltage Application as the Resistance Is Least
Use of graphite with solar cells to store
the energy, probably more energy will be collected and stored.
Piezo Electricity for Street Lighting
Sound energy can be used to
power up the street lights. In a major stage events where a lot of sound
systems are been used, in the main road during the high traffic times as the
energy been generated and been used within the place by charging the capacitors
or some medium, the distribution loss are minimized.. So the distribution
losses can be avoided. This can be done by using Piezo Electric devices.
Solar Panel Orientation
We have street lights powered by
solar panel above the light, if we can place that panel, below the light; I
feel there will be more energy but more research is needed to assess feasibility, because it
is visible light that charges photovoltaic cells. So during the night as well they
can be charged, though it is based on intensity mainly efficiency of such setup
needs to be checked. Another way to improve productivity of solar panels is to use the wiper motors to change the
orientations based on the sun's movement in sky, but mobile panels will more costly and you need to factor in replacement costs for wear and tear.
Drone-Based Energy
Self-powered drone, Flights with graphite-based solar panel body. As wind energy and solar energy are best at the
higher altitude if they can be harvested from drones or even with passenger
flights a lot of power can be generated, with so many flights flying across the
world a small experiment on flights can prove to be useful.
River Horizontal Turbines
Sloping Architecture: harness energy of flowing water by
constructing horizontal turbines across the river where it slopes.
These horizontal turbines can use tangential forces and generate clean
Guest Contributor Bio
Venkatesh R. is a Science and Social issues
blogger with 10+ years of experience in the IT industry. Venkat is on a mission
to create a better world for children. Venkat has won the "Beyond the
Armchair" challenge conducted by the Red Elephant Foundation (REF), has
contributed a number of articles in Voices of Youth, and has shared a number of
ideas in innovation labs, UNHSCR, GPY2015 and Openideo forums
for the past 6 years. His writings and ideas can be accessed at:
(Social Issues);
(His writings to bring a change in society through art as a medium); Science
Other Guest Posts by Venkatesh on the Sunshine Millennium Blog