Wednesday, 3 March 2021

World Wildlife Day 2021 and SDG 15

 World Wildlife Day is annually observed on the 3rd of March. The theme for WWD 2021 is "Forests and Livelihoods: Sustaining People and Planet" which dovetails beautifully into the 15th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 15): Life on Land. Linking forests and livelihoods and syncing people and planet is vital step to ecosystem restoration which is the theme of 2021-30: declared the UN Decade for Ecosystem Restoration.

Many vital forests, especially rainforests highly at-risk frontlines in the war against climate change are being destroyed as local communities haven't been made stakeholders and shareholders in the survival of the biodiversity hotspot. We need economic innovations like the payment for ecosystem services (PES) model adopted by Farmers for Forests.  It truly exemplifies the spirit of "Forests and Livelihoods: Sustaining People and Planet" while enabling Life on Land: 

"Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss. A flourishing life on land is the foundation for our life on this planet."

Forest fires both natural and those set by encroachers and miscreants are a major hurdle to survival of forests. While the forest fires in Australia, the Amazon and the haze-making ones in the rainforests of Southeast Asia make news more immediately, the ones in our backyard, like the fire in Simlipal Tiger Reserve located in Mayurbhaj in the Indian state of Odisha is less well-known yet equally devastating for at-risk wildlife including India's national animal. 

Livelihoods need to be linked to protecting forests in order to make protecting the planet profitable to the people living in the laws of poverty alongside forests. Asoka changemaker Muthu Velayutham's efforts has always addressed this dichotomy and his latest venture Vaigai Flora Botanical Gardens in the outskirts of Madurai, a rich spread of vital native species forest home to vibrant biodiversity of flora and fauna. 

There are many initiatives restoring ecosystems and forests fragmented by tea plantations and coffee estates. These need to be popularized and scaled up so that we can fight poverty and climate change while ensuring that life on land thrives (SDG 1, SDG 13, SDG 15) hence ensuring the triumph of the WWD 2021 theme.