Post by Venkatesh Ramanujam
With the advancements in technology, the world has shrunken.
People can communicate and work across the globe. Still we haven’t won against hunger.
Reasons for failure of agriculture include
1) Lack of water
2) Climate Change
3) Awareness and Adaptability to the technology.
Selecting the best breed of seeds, designing better wells
and bore wells, can elevate the situations faced by farmers.
Apart from the existing ideas, few ideas can be designed
with the help of government and corporates help to save water.
1) The water from the air conditioning systems can be treated and let out for the use to the nearby villages and farms.
2) Installation of artificial ponds.
3) Implementation of Employment Guarantee Scheme (Egs) - success story of Hizware Community
4) Manufacture of fertilizers from the chemical factory wastes.
5) Tricycle based tractors can be used in small farms.
6) Vehicles that can be used on roads and on farms with slight modifications, i.e., with changes in wheels and attachment, can help to provide farmers with an alternate source of income.
7) A simple investment in a Vacuum packaging vendor in villages can help a lot of farmers and can provide part time job for women.
8) Usage of community based warehouse, built nearby.
Though we can come up with feasible solutions, still the
poverty among the farmers exists because of lack of awareness.
There are a number of mobile apps, television and radio programs available, but most of them have failed to reach farmers. Most of these apps are not in regional languages, it’s difficult to understand, and the television programs get telecasted at odd hours.
There is a need for community programs, with some modifications
1) Telecast timing of the program needs to be changed.
2) The content should have more interactive sessions,with guests and experts.
3) By having a NGO tie up with schools the government can bring about a change in how they address the farmer’s needs. As part of the NSS and SUPW activity the school students can act as an awareness bridge between the farmers and technology. Application of design labs, helps in approaching the issue using innovation and minimizing the failures.
4) Conveying the ideas to the farmers in local language and educating them with a basic mobile learning program helps a lot.
5) Changing the end product, with value addition. E.g., groundnuts can be changed into a value added product by roasting it. Fresh vegetables can be cut and be packed. Small addition to a raw material will have an impact in the profit margin.
6) Awareness on existing communities like Kissan Network needs to be spread where Interaction between the buyer and farmer will be done through websites and Apps.
It’s all about finding the right marketing and finding the correct technology in making a successful agricultural country.
Anticipating Climate Change in the Pamir Mountains 2015 (Climate Co-lab Semi-Final Idea by VenkateshRamanujam)
Bore-Well Scanner:
Bi-Cycle Tractor:
Food Storage Tips:
Vacuum Sealer:
Media Failing:
Making a difference through radio:
Value Added Products
Hiware Community
Kissan Network:
Community Supported Agriculture