This illustration from The Better India shows some wonderful solutions to societal problems that have been highlighted and can be replicated to solve problems before us.
Cyclone Vardah may have uprooted a 100,000 trees in Chennai but the city is determined to revive the lost tree cover and re-green Chennai.
BRICS New Development Bank approved $1 billion in renewables investments in China, Brazil, South Africa, and India.Many cities, communities, nations and institutions are going and pledging to go 100% renewable for the sake of a better planet. The COP of action the 22nd Conference of Parties to the Convention on Climate Change held at Morocco helped develop the roadmap to a cooler planet. The road is long but the parties have taken concrete action as well as pledging to do more.
As you go over the list of 99 best things you realize that good gleams amidst the dark deeds showing the way to a better world. A poverty, war and disease free world. This utopia can be created in our lifetime by scaling up these small steps taken.
Actions to save endangered species got a boost in Asia, first with the Panda going off the endangered list, and then was the news that the number of tigers in the wild rose for the first time in 100 years.
Let's hope 2017 brings in a lot more positive news for people, the planet and all earthlings!
By fighting poverty and pollution in cities, taking the fight against corruption and climate change to the rural populations, making health care and a healthy lifestyle and adequate nutrition accessible for all as well as providing quality education for all that creates job-creators not job-seekers we can make our planet the piece of heaven it was meant to be.
Here's hoping we take the high road to ensure Heaven on Earth in 2017.